Feb 22, 2023
Aequor Locums Recognizes Dr. André Frederick as Distinguished Physician

One of Aequor Locums’ most recognized physicians is internist, Dr. André Frederick. Not only was he recognized as 2020 Physician of the Year at CarolinaEast Medical Center, but you may also recognize him from various news stories and media features. Now we’d like to recognize him as the Aequor Locums Distinguished Physician for January 2023.
Dr. Frederick is one of those people who can be counted on to step up when the going gets tough. In fact, when we interviewed him for this article, it was supposed to be his day off, but he was at work because “the census is up.” For the past four months, Dr. Frederick has worked 27 shifts a month.
Dr. Frederick prepares to treat patients with COVID-19 – 9/16/2020 [Gray Whitley / Sun Journal Staff]
When asked why he chose to be a locum tenens provider versus taking another route with his career, he said:
The only person that’s really going to look out for me is probably myself. As long as I can afford the health insurance, and I can get enough shifts, I thought it was worth taking a risk on myself… I don’t have to work my kids’ birthdays; I don’t have to work holidays if I don’t want to… The freedom of flexibility, should I want it, was a big factor in (choosing locums).
A fun moment securing PPE. – 9/16/20 [Gray Whitley/Sun Journal Staff]
That freedom of flexibility and his propensity to have a little fun at work lights up one of the best smiles we’ve ever seen—that and being highly caffeinated. What else makes him smile? The best thing about his day is sending someone home from the hospital. It’s especially good if they didn’t expect a good outcome and they get to go home and not to a nursing home.
As a hospitalist, Dr. Frederick is at the forefront of health care. He says he gets to “see new technologies coming out, implement pretty much any drug I want, I don’t have to worry about prior authorizations… I like knowing that I can help someone immediately… I can see results a lot quicker as a hospitalist.”
We’re grateful for Dr. Frederick’s dedication to providing exceptional patient care and his loyalty to us here at Aequor Locums. It’s an honor to recognize him as our January 2023 Distinguished Physician.
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