Sep 15, 2020
Aequor Experience

My name is Kathleen, I’m a labor & delivery nurse from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I have been traveling for about 3 years now, in which I have worked for multiple different travel nurse agencies. But it wasn’t until just 4 months ago when I came across a job posting on Facebook that I found myself at home while traveling. After seeing the job post, I commented stating my interest and reached out for more information. I got a response within minutes and was so surprised, usually the responses I’ve received in the past have been just the pay breakdown followed by an email address to send your resume if you want to be considered, basically some generic response.
But the response I got from the post wasn’t just the information on the job it was all of that as well as a true concern for my well being and what my goals and desires were in picking my next job. I replied with my needs and wants and never would I have thought that just three hours later I would have an official offer and be taking my first assignment with Aequor. So since starting this contract I can easily say Aequor has been the best company I’ve worked. At Aequor I haven’t been just another client, my wants, needs, concerns, etc. are heard and valued—and nothing is better than that security (no logo lunch bags or boxes of chocolates can beat that). Everyday I know Aequor has my back and supports me through every day, every shift.
And it’s all thanks to my amazing recruiter, Kenia. Since the day I liked and replied to her facebook posting she has been working endlessly making sure I get the best assignment (both hospital & location), taking into account all my preferences, fair pay, and has been completely transparent with the contracts. She’s never been pushy with me either when signing a contract, she’s given me time I need to weigh all my options, even if that means not signing with Aequor. She’s always has had my best interest in mind and truly wants me to be comfortable and successful. I can’t brag enough about her or Aequor as a company. Thank you for making me feel at home.
XOXO, Kathleen
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