Aug 24, 2017

5 Reasons to Travel Nurse with a Boutique Agency like Aequor

There is more one-on-one time.

When you travel with a boutique company you are likely to have each member’s full attention each time you need something. You are always the priority and always have the control.

You are never “just another number”.

Boutique agencies depend on you, so you won’t be treated like every other travel nurse that comes through. You will always be a person and nurse first to your recruiter, not a check.

You will be fought for.

Your recruiter doesn’t want you to travel with anyone else, so they tend to go above and beyond when it comes to fighting for the absolute best pay package available.

You won’t miss out on industry experience.

To thrive as a boutique agency, experience counts. Boutique agencies typically survive off of connections, great relationships, and experienced team members who can all be resources for you.

They enjoy what they do.

The competition is not crazy stiff when you love who you work with and are close to your colleagues. Boutique agency employees tend to enjoy their work and work together to bring the best for each and every nurse.

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